Friday, March 30 solemn procession of the Dead Christ in Grottammare

This religious event consists of a highly evocative performance held in Grottammare every three years on Good Friday.

The first record of the procession, which was originally held annually, dates back to 1738.

The sacred play, organized since 1757 as we continue to see it today by the Confraternity of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ, traditionally involves hundreds of people from Grottammare, who pass down from father to son the roles they have assumed.

The procession travels through the streets of the town, lit only by flashlights crossing the old embrasure and the marina downstream, accompanied by the sound of drums and clarions.

Three choirs composed of girls, girls and women dressed completely in black, respectively, to the sound of drums and clarions singing religious hymns, accompany the participants throughout the performance.

TRADITIONAL ROUTE: Piazza Peretti - Via Palmaroli - Via S.Agostino - Piazza Garibaldi - Via Leopardi - Via XX Settembre - Viale Ballestra - Via G. Marconi - Via F.lli Cairoli - Viale Sisto V - Viale Crucioli - Via Laureati

Viale F.lli Rosselli - Piazza Garibaldi - Via Sant'Agostino


watch the video of the 2015 edition of the Holy Representation 



Your Residence In Grottammare
