Grottammare Blue Flag, summer vacation in the pearl of the Adriatic.

For the nineteenth consecutive year on the beaches of Grottammare will wave the FEE Blue Flag! Clean water and beaches, quality services certified by this award also for 2017.

The Blue Flag is an international award of the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education), established in 1987 European Year of the Environment, which is awarded annually in 41 countries, initially only European, more recently also non-European, with the support and participation of the two UN agencies: UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and UNWTO (World Tourism Organisation) with which the FEE has signed a Global Partnership Protocol.

Blue Flag is a voluntary European eco-label awarded to seaside resorts that meet criteria for sustainable land management.

The Municipality of Grottammare has been awarded the Blue Flag by the FEE since 1999.

Several factors have confirmed this success with reference to the focus on environmental education that we have consistently promoted at the inside of our schools, differentiated waste collection, well-kept beaches, large cycling and green areas.

One of the basic requirements, i.e. one of the internationally established imperative criteria, is the quality of bathing water.


Your Residence In Grottammare
